About us

The Eagle Syndrome Association is committed to help all those who suffer from stylalgia.

The Eagle Syndrome Association was established in 2018 in response to an increasing number of enquiries from patients asking her to help them resolve their problem. Conventional treatments such as surgery can be successful for some people but clinical evidence is not so convincing. We believe a combination of muscle tension and awareness that are normally used for other TMD conditions can helpin certain situations of Eagle Syndrome.

We are dedicated in our efforts to find treatments that have good clinical evidence of their effectiveness.


Han MK, Kim DW, Yang JY. Non Surgical Treatment of Eagle’s Syndrome – A Case Report -. Korean J Pain. 2013;26(2):169-172. doi:10.3344/kjp.2013.26.2.169

Andrea M. Westbrook, Vincent J. Kabbaz, Christopher R. Showalter,
Eagle’s syndrome, elongated styloid process and new evidence for pre-manipulative precautions for potential cervical arterial dysfunction, Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 2020;50.

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